Embracing Change

smiling and vibrant professional woman

Tips for Career Women: Staying Beautiful No Matter What

It’s no secret that women are under a lot of pressure to look good. We’re expected to be beautiful but not too flashy. Professional, but still approachable. Well-groomed, but not high-maintenance. It’s a lot to juggle! And it’s even harder when you don’t have a team of stylists at your beck and call. After all,

Tips for Career Women: Staying Beautiful No Matter What Read More

person holding coffee

Enhancing the Home to Promote Wellness

A survey conducted in 2021 showed that around half of Americans experienced symptoms of depressive disorder or anxiety. Another 10 percent said they need to meet their mental health needs. The pandemic saw anxiety and depression rates increase, especially among those who stayed home due to the situation. Many people had a newfound appreciation for their homes.

Enhancing the Home to Promote Wellness Read More


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