Age is something that people don’t have control over. It’s problematic if we don’t take care of ourselves properly. One particular way our body tells us that we’ve not taken care of ourselves is through our skin.
The skin is the biggest organ in the body, and it’s considered one of the most precious. It protects our vital organs from infection and external damage. However, it is also one of the fastest organs to deteriorate through age.
Skin and Age
It’s pretty obvious, but it’s good to remind that age affects the way our skin looks. The way our skin looks will gradually change over time, and that’s normal. However, what’s not normal is rapid skin deterioration.
On average, our skin’s texture starts to deteriorate once we’ve reached 25 years old. However, for some people, their skin will deteriorate faster than others. This is a combination of genetics and the environment.
People who have fast skin deterioration in their family should expect their skin to deteriorate as early as 20 years old. For those who live in hot and humid climates, it should also be expected that their skin would be much wrinkly and filled with pimples. Additionally, your skin is likely to deteriorate much faster if you’re male. These are just some of the ways our skin’s overall texture and looks are affected by outside our control.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up if you’ve dealt with a bad hand. On the contrary, there are many ways you can slow down skin aging and deterioration regardless of your genetics, gender, or environment. Here are some ways you can do that.
Proper Skincare
The very first thing we should discuss is proper skincare. The way we take care of our skin will make a difference in tomorrow’s look. Some might have learned good skincare as early as childhood. But for some people, it’s a luxury to learn how to take care of their skin. So the first thing you should know about proper skincare is to moisturize.
Our skin gets dry occasionally. However, people who live in cold and dry climates are likely to experience dry skin a lot more. Dry skin can be problematic, and it can rapidly age your skin if you don’t take care of it.
If you’ve experienced dry skin before, you’re likely to recall how itchy it can get. It can also get flaky. In worse-case scenarios, dry skin can lead to cuts and sores because you’ve scratched it too hard. It can even cause people to have a hard time sleeping. Moisturizing is one way you can solve this problem.
Moisturizing isn’t about putting water on your skin constantly. In some situations putting water on your dry skin can make it a lot worse! Instead, you need something to retain moisture in your skin, and you can do this through lotions and skin moisturizers. These are chemically-engineered formulas known to keep moisture in your skin regardless of where you live. However, always choose organic compounds since some products that use chemicals can irritate your skin.
The skin requires moisture to stay healthy. It’s one way you can reduce the itchiness and flakiness of your skin. It can also reduce the likelihood of you getting cuts and sores due to dry skin.
Remove Hair
The process of removing our hair is both for hygienic and aesthetic reasons. Hair can accumulate too much moisture in our skin, and although moisture is good, too much of it can lead to rashes and pimples.
People who have too much hair are likely to experience acne breakouts and rashes. It’s good to shave your hair whenever you can. Getting a good laser hair removal treatment can also make a difference. Unlike a good shave, a removal treatment doesn’t get a portion of your skin in the process. Instead, it gets into the root of your hair. This can the rapid growth of the hair, which makes it a more efficient option than shaving.
It’s vital that you remove excess hair whenever you can. This will ensure that you don’t get acne breakouts or rashes on your skin.
Wear Sunblock Everyday
The sun is our skin’s worse enemy. Overexposure to the sun can lead to a variety of skin conditions, with skin cancer being one of the worse. If you want to ensure that your skin won’t age rapidly, you should control your exposure to the sun.
We can’t avoid the sun every day, and avoiding it too much can lead to vitamin D deficiency which is bad for your skin. However, too much can lead to skin disease. So what should you do? The main answer to this is to wear sunblock every day.
Sunblock can reduce overexposure to the sun while giving enough vitamin D for your skin to stay healthy. Wear it every day for better and healthier skin.
The proper skincare tips we’ve indicated above will ensure that your skin will stay healthy for years to come. Make sure to start doing them as early as now.